
GPC 服务



Chemical registration and notification services are essential for ensuring compliance and safety in handling chemicals. GPC specializes in these services, providing expertise in REACH registration, including support for global REACH alike (K-REACH, 英国 REACH, Türkiye REACH) regulations. Choosing GPC ensures efficient compliance and expert assistance in navigating regulatory complexities for effective chemical management.


Effective chemical registration and notification are vital for safeguarding human health, the environment, and ensuring legal compliance. It establishes a systematic approach to manage chemicals, reducing potential risks, and providing transparency across the supply chain.


Chemical registration is a meticulous process involving the formal submission of data and information about a chemical substance to regulatory authorities. In the context of REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals), companies are required to provide detailed data on the properties, uses, and potential hazards of their substances. This information is then evaluated by regulatory bodies to ensure compliance with safety and environmental standards.

REACH 中的注册工作是如何进行的?

REACH registration mandates that manufacturers and importers submit comprehensive data on substances produced or imported in quantities exceeding one ton per year. This includes details on the substance’s properties, uses, exposure scenarios, and risk management measures. The submitted data undergoes rigorous assessment by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA), forming the basis for regulatory decisions.


Our chemical registration and notification services encompass various crucial aspects:

  • 培训和审计: 提供教育计划和审计,以加强理解和合规性。
  • 供应链管理:确保整个供应链高效、安全地处理化学品。
  • 政府关系: 促进与监管机构的沟通,实现无缝合规。
  • 清单核查和提名: 核查清单并适当提名化学品。
  • 农药科学和监管援助: 在农药监管领域提供专业支持。
  • 全球化学品通报: 通过全面的报送服务实现全球合规。
  • 全面的监管支持: 为驾驭复杂的监管环境提供广泛支持。
  • 技术支持服务: 提供专业技术知识,应对具体挑战。


GPC 集团如何帮助提供化学品注册和报送服务?

在 GPC,我们技术精湛的团队将为贵公司简化化学品注册和报送流程。以下是我们可以提供的帮助:

  • 监管流程: 我们将确定您需要遵守的规则,让您轻松了解监管情况。
  • 简化文书工作: GPC 将处理文书工作,准确无误地准备所有必要文件。
  • 顺利提交: 我们将向有关部门提交您的文件,确保一切符合规定和要求。
  • 与当局对话: 让我们来说话。我们将代表您与监管机构联系,使您的程序更加简便。
  • 专家建议 除文书工作外,我们还提供持续的建议,让您随时了解并遵守最新法规。

当您选择 GPC 时,您就选择了一个致力于使您的化学品注册过程简单而无压力的合作伙伴。

GPC 集团可以帮助公司进行 REACH 注册的所有方面,包括

  • Determining whether a substance is subject to REACH registration
  • 准备所需文件
  • Submitting the documentation to the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
  • 代表客户与欧洲化学品管理局联络
  • Providing advice and guidance on REACH registration compliance


If you seek reliable and professional chemical registration and notification services, contact GPC Group today. We offer expertise in REACH and Global REACH alike registration services, ensuring a compliant and efficient approach to chemical management.


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